Hormone therapy Agoura Hills - Optimal Hormone Solutions

What types of hormone therapy do you offer?

Our clinic offers a wide range of hormone treatments to help clients struggling with menopause or transgender transitions. We provide estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and other therapies to balance hormones and improve quality of life. With over 15 years serving Agoura Hills, our knowledgeable doctors individualize care while ensuring safety and comfort.

What results can I expect from hormone therapy?

Great question! Hormone therapy helps relieve troublesome menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood changes, vaginal dryness, and sleep problems in 80-90% of women. For transgender clients, you can expect feminizing changes like breast growth and softened skin or masculinizing impacts like facial/body hair and a deeper voice from MtF or FtM treatment, respectively. Changes occur gradually but most notice impacts in 3-6 months.

Our services

How much does treatment cost without insurance?

We strive to make care affordable and offer options if you lack coverage. Initial visits average $175-225 to assess health, recommend hormones, and discuss gender transition if relevant. Ongoing costs for pellets, creams, patches, implants or injections range from $150-300 every few months. Price depends on dosing and which delivery method works best for you. We provide hassle-free billing and cash discounts too.

I'm nervous about starting hormones. What's the process like?

It's very common to feel anxious when starting something new! We ease worries with education and compassion. Your provider will have an in-depth discussion to address concerns, make you comfortable with possible changes, outline realistic expectations, and ensure you meet criteria. They tailor a personalized regimen to your needs regarding medication type, dose, duration and delivery method. Check-ins after starting offer continued support.

How long is a typical course of treatment?

There’s no universal “right” duration for care with hormones. Treatment commonly continues long-term until it is no longer needed or desired. For menopause, most women take estrogen/progesterone for short-term relief of symptoms until they subside (typically 1-5 years). In transgender patients, the goal is often maximum feminization or masculinization, which usually requires lifelong hormone therapy once transition starts. We individualize approaches and remain flexible to meet your changing needs over time.

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